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The Ultimate List of English Phrasal Verbs
Here is the list of commonly used English phrasal verbs.
Dictation: Is it Effective in English Learning?
In what ways is dictation helpful for your English skills? In what ways is it not? Find out in this post.
Like: Meaning
Why do native speakers say, “like” a lot? The word “like” has many meanings in English. Find them out in this post.
Hindsight is 2020: Meaning
Learn the meaning of “hindsight is 2020” and similar phrases.
Mind Your Own Business: Meaning
Learn the meaning of “mind your own business” and similar phrases.
British Pronunciation: Quick Tips to Make You Sound British Instantly
Do you like the British accent? Here are quick tips to start sounding like British.
How to Think in English and Stop Translating
Do you want to be able to think in English? Try these three methods to start thinking in English.
Job Expressions in English
In this post, you'll learn job expressions in English.
English at the Airport
Here is a list of essential English words you should know at the airport.
How to Continue a Conversation in English
Learn these English phrases to keep the conversation going.
English Expressions for Microsoft Word and Excel
Here are the essential function names in English on Microsoft Word and Excel you should know.
Tongue Twisters in English・Improve Your Pronunciation
A tongue twister is a group of words that are difficult to say quickly. Here's a list of tongue twisters in English.